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1- Diriwayatkan daipada Abu Umamah ra, katanya: Aku medengar Rasulullah S.A.W. bersabda: (Terjemahan): “Bacalah Al-Qur’an kerana dia akan datang pada hari Kiamat sebagai juru syafaat bagi pembacanya.” (Riwayat Muslim) 2- Barangsiapa membaca ayat Al-Kursi di akhir tiap sembahyang, tidak menegah akan dia daripada masuk syurga kecuali maut. 3- SURAH AL-DUKHAN Sabda Rasulullah S.A.W. "Barangsiapa membaca surah Ad-Dukhan di waktu malam maka meminta ampun baginya 70,000 Malaikat di waktu pagi."(H.R. al-Tirmidzi) 4- SURAH AL-MULK Sabda Rasulullah S.A.W. Barangsiapa membaca Surah Al-Mulk sebelum tidur nescaya Allah SWT akan membebaskannya dari azab kubur. 5- Barangsiapa membaca Surah Al-Ikhlas sebanyak 10 kali Allah SWT akan membangunkan untuknya sebuah istana di syurga.


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Pegawai SPRM sarankan Teoh rasuah dan dibunuh rakan.. Baru!!!
"Surat Misteri" - Pendedahan Baru Inkues Teoh Beng Hock-Video!!!
"SURAT MISTERI" berkaitan konspirasi SPRM dan Khir Toyo..
PANAS-Video Teoh Beng Hock tortured before death Saksikan!!!
LIVE : Inkues kematian Teoh Beng Hock 17/09/09
GAMBAR : Beza mayat Jatuh Bangunan Tingkat 16 & 14.

KOLEKSI GAMBAR GMI-Malaysiakini!!!

Tayangan Video TERKINI dan Hangat...!!!
Yusri buat penjelasan atas pentas PAS-Video..Panas!!!
Benarkah Pemimpin UMNO Kafir Walau Bersolat ???
Mufti HARAM Berpolitik-Demi Umno@BN WAJIB..???




Siapa kata KELANTAN MUNDUR??? tak ada baca ka...??
Kod BABI-Dalam Makanan... Baca Cetak Edar!!!

Selasa, Mac 31, 2009


Dilulus terbit pada Tuesday, March 31 @ 12:01:38 MYT oleh AbuJihad

Artikel Oleh anaqsabah

" WALAUPUN kes Saman No. S21-114-2002 yang difailkan oleh OKK Hassnar M.P Ebrahim (gambar) hanya kes salah tangkap atau salah tahan, namun Peguam Negara Malaysia telah mengkategori kes ini sebagai kes penting di dalam fail PN/SBH/HQ/ 13/06/2003 kerana melibatkan integriti Kerajaan Persekutuan.

Hassnar dalam saman sivilnya mencabar Inspektor Majari Awaljari dan 11 yang lain di Mahkamah Tinggi Sandakan kerana polis telah menyalahguna kuasa menangkapnya secara salah dan berniat jahat sehingga mencemarkan imejnya sebagai peniaga dan pemimpin masyarakat.

Ketika ditemui, Hassnar mendakwa beliau bukan sahaja menuntut pampasan di atas kerugian harta, kesengsaraan fizikal, kecederaan nama baik, malah ingin agar tanah yang dirampas dikembalikan kepada mereka yang berhak.

"Tanah ini adalah tanah adat, bukan tanah setinggan. Kerajaan Berjaya telah membenarkan penduduk tinggal dan mendirikan rumah BDC dengan membangunkan segala prasarana. Kenapa pula Kerajaan BN yang robohkan dan rampas tanah adat tersebut?," ujar Hassnar yang menceritakan bahawa beliau ditangkap polis ketika membantu penduduk BDC membuat laporan polis setelah rumah mereka dirobohkan dalam Ops Nyah II Bersepadu pada 2002.

Walaupun ketika itu, Musa Aman hanya menjadi Ketua Perhubungan UMNO Sabah, namun kata Hassnar telah mengeluarkan kenyataan bahawa tanah tapak rumah bumiputera yang tersilap dirobohkan akan dibangunkan sebagai projek perumahan yang mampu dimiliki oleh penduduk kampung yang majoritinya berpendapatan rendah.

"Tetapi apabila Musa menjadi Ketua Menteri Sabah pada 1 April 2003, dua hari selepas hari jadinya, Musa telah meluluskan tanah tersebut kepada Majlis Perbandaran Sandakan (MPS) seluas lebih 100 ekar," ujar Hassnar yang menyebut Musa telah mendesak kroninya mengadakan usahasama untuk memajukan tanah tersebut sebagai pusat komersil dan bukannya projek perumahan untuk rakyat.

Modus operandi yang dilakukan sama seperti tanah Usia di 1Borneo, tetapi kata Hassnar, tanah adat di BDC yang difaraidkan kepada MPS dimajukan oleh kroninya.

"Musa harus menafikan tidak mempunyai kaitan langsung dengan syarikat yang menjalankan kerja menimbus tanah dan membina hotel lima bintang di atas tanah berkenaan? Apakah beliau tidak terlibat jika kediaman rasminya dijadikan alamat pengarah syarikat?," tanya Hassnar yang telah menyampaikan sapena kepada Musa agar hadir memberi keterangan di Mahkamah Tinggi Sandakan pada 13 April 2009.

Tegas Hassnar, beliau kesal kerana tanah adat BDC berkenaan telah dicagarkan dengan Sabah Development Bank Berhad untuk mendapatkan pinjaman sejumlah RM104 juta bagi membiayai projek mewah tersebut.

”Saya tidak pasti pinjaman tersebut dibuat atas nama syarikat mana, tetapi saya pasti dua syarikat yang memajukan tanah adat berkenaan, Integral Acres Sdn.Bhd dan Compo Sdn.Bhd menggunakan alamat kediaman rasmi Ketua Menteri di Sri Libaran, ” tegas Hassnar yang kesal kerana Musa sanggup menjual maruah orang Melayu dengan menyerahkan tanah berkenaan kepada ’Orang Cina’.

Hassnar yang sebelum ini menggelarkan dua syarikat berkenaan sebagai 'Mafia' kerana berpendapat tidak ada mana-mana undang-undang di dunia ini yang boleh merampas tanah orang Melayu sesuka hati tanpa pampasan dan diserahkan kepada Orang Cina untuk apa juga tujuan.

”Ini adalah perlakuan jenayah dan Ketua Menteri Sabah telah bersubahat dengan penjenayah,” ujar Hassnar yang keberatan memberikan maklumat secara terperinci kerana kesnya menentang perobohan rumah orang Melayu di BDC ketika era Chong Kah Kiat sedang dibicarakan di mahkamah.

Projek 'hantu' membangunkan tanah adat BDC ini diluluskan kepada syarikat, anak kroni Musa Aman, Nasir Yeo dan Andrew Lim tidak teratur dan mempunyai agenda apabila tidak mempamerkan sebarang notis atau papantanda projek sebagaimana yang diwajibkan di dalam semua projek kerajaan.

Maklumat daripada Suruhanjaya Syarikat Malaysia (SSM) mendapati proksi Musa, Andrew Lim Nyuk Foh adalah Pengarah Maxland Sdn.Bhd. Manakala pemegang saham Maxland Sdn.Bhd disembunyikan sebaliknya dinyatakan sebagai Priceworth Industries Sdn.Bhd.

KRONI...Nasir Yeo, jutawan bankrap menggunakan anaknya sebagai proksi Musa Aman untuk membangunkan projek di tanah adat orang Melayu.

Semakan maklumat Priceworth Industries Sdn.Bhd juga menunjukkan Andrew Lim Nyuk Foh adalah Pengarah syarikat berkenaan, namun sekali lagi maklumat pemegang saham dikaburkan dengan menamakan Priceworth Wood Product Berhad.

Lebih mengejutkan, Mantan Menteri Kebudayaan dan Pelancongan Malaysia, Tan Sri Sabaruddin Chik turut menjadi Pengarah Priceworth Wood Product Berhad bersama Andrew Lim Nyuk Foh, Ooi Jit Huat, Ramlee Mohd Shariff, Kwan Tack Chiong, Chok Syn Vun.

Pemegang utama saham Priceworth Wood Product Berhad ialah Cimsec (Tempatan) Sdn.Bhd iaitu 45.34 juta saham dan Andrew Lim Nyuk Foh pemegang saham kedua terbanyak iaitu 11,051 juta saham dan Sabaruddin Chik sebanyak satu juta saham.

Manakala sebuah syarikat yang terlibat dengan pembinaan hotel lima bintang ialah Integral Acres Sdn.Bhd yang turut melantik Andrew Lim Nyuk Foh dan Azlan Nasir @ Yeo Guan Hock sebagai Pengarah syarikat dan dimiliki oleh Campo Sdn.Bhd dan Priceworth Wood Product Berhad yang masing-masing memegang 2.45 juta dan 2.55 juta saham.

Azlan Nasir @ Yeo Guan Hock turut menjadi Pengarah Campo Sdn.Bhd dan menjadi salah seorang pemegang saham utama dengan 1.2 juta saham disamping Hamidah Mohd Kamdi, Kan Kam Mun dan Betny Chin Sang @ Elizabeth Chin.

Sementara itu, dalam perbicaraan baru-baru ini, Setiausaha MPS, Mohamad Hamsan Awang Supain (gambar) ketika memberi keterangan di Mahkamah Tinggi Sandakan mengakui bahawa terdapat usahama yang dimaterai antara MPS dengan syarikat swasta untuk membangunkan kawasan seluas 100 ekar di BDC sebagai perumahan dan bangunan komersil.

Berikut, nota prosiding mahkamah;
PW8 Mohamad Hamsan Bin Awang Supain
Affirms and states in English
Secretary of Majlis Perbandaran Sandakan

Examination in chief of PW 8:
Q476 Where were you born?
A Kampung Bilit, Kinabatangan.

Q477 When did you first come to know or see kampung Perpaduan or Kampung BDC, Sandakan?
A I actually came to know the kampung when I joined Majlis Perbandaran Sandakan in Year 1987.

Q478 Do you have any relatives or friends that stay at Kampung BDC?
A Yes.

Q479 Can you give their names and relationships with you?
A My auntie by the name of Hajah Atnan binte Haji Sandukung but she has passed away. That is the immediate family stay in Kampung BDC. I have some friends that I know who also stay there.

Q480 Do you know when your late auntie start to reside at Kampung BDC?
A She started to reside at Kampung BDC in 1982.

Q481 Was she the native of Sabah?
A Yes.

Q482 From which ethnic group?
A Orang Sungei.

Q483 Since you worked in MPS are you aware whether MPS had collected assessment and other rates from the residents at Kampung BDC?
A Yes, MPS charged house assessment at BDC area but it was stopped for some reason due to new policy.

Q484 Can you inform the Court what was the zoning of the area in 2002?
A It was a state land.

Q485 What is the present status of the area where the houses had been demolished?
A About a hundred acres of land in that area were given a title to Majlis Perbandaran Sandakan.

Q486 What was the purpose of land use in the title?
A There was a joint venture project between the MPS and a company. The proposed project of the joint venture was to have a mixed development consisting residential and commercial buildings.

Q487 What is the name of the joint venture company?
A I can't remember.

Q488 When was the joint venture signed?
A After the demolition.

Q489 Do you know the name of the office in MPS who knows the name of the company?
A The President.

Q490 Are you aware of the operation code named OPS Nyah II?
A Yes, I do.

Q491 What was the purpose of that operation?
A It was conducted with the directive of the higher authority to clean up all the illegal immigrants in Sabah. At the time same time when we found out the illegal immigrants staying in any squatter area, the authority would chase them away and demolished the houses.

Q492 How many houses were demolished at Kampung BDC in Year 2002 under OPS Nyah II?
A I can't remember the exact number but there were several thousand plus.

Q493 Were all the houses that were demolished occupied or owned by illegal immigrants?
A There were some bumiputra owned the houses there also but some were rented out to illegal immigrants.

Q494 If the exercise were to get rid of illegal immigrants, why were the houses owned and occupied by the natives from Sabah also demolished?
A I came to understand that these are directives from the higher authority i.e. the State Government of Sabah.

Q495 Did you receive a subpoena to testify and to produce documents at this trial?
A Yes.

Q496 Are you able to produce the documents that are specified in the subpoena?
A Yes. We can produce but not at this moment as we need sometime to dig up the document. This is because some of the documents were before I joined the MPS.

Q497 How long will it take?
A End of the month.

Q498 Can you refer to page 22 PBD1, the first paragraph. Are you aware of this type of statement being made by the then Deputy Prime Minister that OPS Nyah II was not meant to demolish houses or local squatters?
A Yes.

Q499 Look at page 25, 3rd paragraph. Can you confirm whether you are aware of such statement being made by the 8th defendant Datuk Ramli Yusuf?
A Yes.

Q500 Refer to page 36 PBD1, 1st paragraph. Are you aware of such statement being made by the then Chief Minister?
A Yes.

Q501 Can you inform the Court who led the OPS Nyah II at Kampung BDC/Kampung Perpaduan?
A It was led by Sandakan OCPD, Chief police officer.

Q502 What is his name?
A Tuan Suhaimi.

Q503 Did you attend any meeting on OPS Nyah II that was chaired by Tuan Suhaimi?
A Yes, I attended once.

Q504 Did you raise any objection to the demolition of houses belonging to the natives staying at Kampung BDC in view of the assurance by the Prime Minister and the State Police Chief that only houses of illegal immigrants were to be demolished?
A No, because we were informed that these are directives from the higher authority.

Q505 Who was the person who informed that it was directive from the higher authority?
A The chairman i.e. OCPD.

Q506 Is it your evidence that there is a higher authority than the Prime Minister of Malaysia and the Chief Police Officer of Sabah?
A No.

Q507 What do you understand when the OCPD Tuan Suhaimi used the words 'higher authority'?
A I guessed he was referring to the State Government of Sabah.

Q508 Can you inform the Court which government agency authorized the reclamation and filling of the site of the houses that had been demolished under OPS Nyah II?
A Majlis Perbandaran Sandakan. They submitted the development plan and it was discussed in Town Planning Committee and I assume everything was in order and the Committee approved.

Mr Ansari: Pending the documents which we asked for, I have no further questions for this witness at the moment.I leave it to the Court to decide whether the cross-examination is to be done today or after the documents have been produced.

Mr Ritikos: I believe it is better to defer the cross-examination until my learned friend has finished his examination in chief.

Court: Cross-examination to defer until conclusion of examination in chief of PW8. PW8 is released subject to recall.
Adjourn to 1.45 p.m.

Signed. Y.A. Puan Yew Jen Kie
At 12 noon.

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